Source Book Store
Three Generations
Over Seventy Years of Continuous Book Sales!
George Pekios started the book store out of the living room of his East Moline, Illinois home back in 1939 which he shared with his
wife and four children. While he worked at the foundry, his wife Margaret took care of customers.
By the early 1940's he was doing well enough to quit his job and rent a storefront in downtown Davenport, Iowa. By the early 1950's he obtained a drivers license and his first car, a Cadillac with a large trunk to haul the books he purchased from estates sales and auctions. Also at that time he purchased a 3 story building a block from his rented storefront and a block from our current location. In the
late 1960's,the building was raised to make way for a mass transportation facility.
Just prior to the big move his son Robert purchased the business and George retired.
Robert grew the business for the next 25 years until 1999 when he retired and sold the business to his son Dan, who continued to expand and grow the Source name for the next 20 years.
In October of 2020, Carter Brown became the first person outside of the Pekios family to own the business, and continues on the tradition of the Source.